Windfarm Noise

Court puts stay on order quashing permission for windfarm development Stay applies until An Bord Pleanála has decided the developer’s application for a substitute planning consent Source: Irish Times 6th May 2020. The Supreme Court has put a conditional stay on an order overturning permission for a wind farm development in Co Cork. The stay [...]

By |2020-05-18T22:12:37+01:00May 6th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Windfarm Noise

Hire of Noise & Vibration Measurement Equipment.

Just before you go to the expense of hiring noise (or vibration) measurement equipment for use in noise disputes/legal matters or indeed the gathering of any noise evidence, you need to consider the following: (1) Are you sufficiently impartial and detached from the matter to provide independent and impartial noise (or vibration reporting)? (2) Are [...]

By |2020-01-18T16:31:36+00:00January 17th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Hire of Noise & Vibration Measurement Equipment.
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