Gort noise case…

A judge has thrown out of a noise pollution claim by a Gort woman against a Christian Church concerning the disturbance from loud drums and amplified music by Church goers below her apartment. At Ennis District Court, Judge Patrick Durcan said that the situation faced by Sandra Broderick during Church services of the Assembly of [...]

By |2020-04-28T19:24:50+01:00July 4th, 2019|News|Comments Off on Gort noise case…

Swiss church in court over noise

A Swiss church can once again ring its bells throughout the night after a federal court overturned a legal decision to limit them to hourly peals. The restriction was ordered in 2015 after a local couple complained about clangs between 22:00 and 07:00. The 250-year-old Protestant church in Wädenswil, near Zurich, agreed to stop ringing [...]

By |2020-02-19T01:44:39+00:00December 15th, 2017|News|Comments Off on Swiss church in court over noise
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