ICAN Acoustics provide comprehensive noise studies for all existing and proposed developments, ranging from single buildings to major factories/facilities and road/rail infrastructure. We provide environmental noise assessment services for EPA-licensed sites, typically assessed using NG4 guidance issued by the Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
In January 2016, Ireland’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised its published Guidance Note for Noise: Licence Applications, Surveys and Assessments in Relation to Scheduled Activities (NG4). This document supersedes the following Agency publications, which are withdrawn with immediate effect. The NG4 guidance note was initially published in 2012, and this current update to NG4 was published in 2016.
January 2016, NG4 guidance provides additional information and clarifications on several items:
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- Updated guidance to reflect the publication of BS 4142: 2014;
- Examples of circumstances where it may be appropriate to use detailed reference methods for the assessment of tonality and impulsivity;
- Clarification of environmental noise survey durations and sample periods;
- Guidance on the use of LAF90 in instances where extraneous noise sources may influence measured LAeq values, and;
- Clarifications should be included as required in light of queries addressed in the relevant FAQ document.
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EPA Licensed sites are typically required to operate within the following noise limiting levels.
- Day: 07:00-19:00, 55 dB(A) LAr,T
- Evening: 19:00-23:00, 50 dB(A) LAr,T
- Night: 23:00-07:00, 45 dB(A) LAeq,T
To download a copy of the Irish EPA NG4 (2016) Guidance document, please click here.
An informative video has been prepared to help you decide who you should engage to carry out your noise assessment work as part of your Annual EPA Noise Survey.