As the COVID-19 pandemic continues across the world, ICAN Acoustics wish to re-affirm our commitment to the safety and wellbeing of our people and customers. Despite the challenges presented by COVID 19, we have worked tirelessly to provide uninterrupted delivery of our professional noise and vibration services to our clients.

ICAN Acoustics have been monitoring the situation closely since the start of the outbreak. We were one of the early adopters of change, implementing measures to minimise disruption to the work we do for clients. The changes implemented provide us with a strong competitive advantage, ensuring project continuation and the ability to work on future projects as they emerge.

Since the initial government instruction of 27th. March 2020, ICAN Acoustics provided a continuation of services by the early adoption of the following key business elements:

  • Home-working: First and foremost, ICAN Acoustics have prioritised the safety and wellbeing of staff and customers. Remote working was implemented at short notice to allow administration staff to work from home, while design offices allowed for social distancing and the continuity of core services provided in noise and vibration.
  • Video Conferencing: Video conferencing is a technology that ICAN Acoustics adopted nearly fifteen years ago. This allows us to comfortably meet with clients in a virtual face to face environment, allowing the exchange and sharing of documents to all parties.
  • CPD: Regular CPD are attended online by the staff of ICAN Acoustics. Some of our work has also included the delivery of training and presentations to delegates in some situations.
  • Site Safe Working: Staff at ICAN Acoustics have had formal Covid 19 training. One such training program completed included the Construction Industry Federation’s ‘C19 Induction’ programme. ICAN Acoustics have also followed the guidance provided by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and the World Health Organisation. We will continue to comply with ongoing public health directives and in a manner that protects the health and safety of our staff.
  • Digital infrastructure: Cloud-based computing has been in place for seven years at ICAN Acoustics. In situations where specialist software is need on specific workstations, then remote access technology is used to allow safe access.
  • Business travel: For the safety of our members and our communities, we have suspended all overseas business-related travel.
  • Social distancing: Where staff work in offices, we are minimising face-to-face meetings and limiting participation as per HSE guidance. We will continue to encourage social distancing and to use our video conferencing and other digital collaboration tools wherever possible.
  • Events: While we will continue to share our knowledge and participate in discussions with leading experts, participate in professional trade association meetings with the Association of Acoustic Consultants of Ireland and the Institute of Acoustics, this will be entirely conducted on online video conferencing platforms.