Irish Branch Meeting: Wednesday 22nd July 2020 16:00 pm

Irish Branch Late Afternoon Meeting

‘Overview of the draft update to noise section of the Wind Energy Development Guidelines’.

James Mackay, Director, TNEI.

Wednesday 22 July 16:00 –17:00 (45mins presentation and 15mins Q&A)

Online meeting


Presentation Overview

The Wind Energy Development Guidelines (WEDG) were originally issued in 2006 are subject to an ongoing review by Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) and the Department for Communications, Climate Action and the Environment (DCCEA). In December 2019 a draft update of the WEDGs were published for consultation.


The draft update sets out an approach to determine Relative Rated Noise Limits, proves guidance on special audible characteristics; Amplitude Modulation and tonal noise whilst also detailing an approach to enable consideration of Low-Frequency Noise.


Following the release of the draft update, a group of acousticians who act for a range of stakeholders (including Developers, Councils and resident groups) prepared a joint response setting out a number of technical concerns with the guidelines which was submitted to DHPLG and DCCEA in January 2020.


This short presentation will provide a brief overview of the guidance and will then set out some of the points raised by the group of acousticians. The presentation will be followed by an open and informal Q&A / discussion session.


CPD certification will be offered for attendance.


Please confirm registration to the meeting organizer: Diarmuid Keaney:

The meeting is open to members of the Irish Branch of the Institute of acoustics.

ICAN Acoustics assessment of Wind Turbine noise