CPD Presentation Title: ‘Acoustics for Architects’
Date: Wed 17th of June 2020.
From 11:00hrs to 12:00hrs
Specifically for Architects working in the Republic of Ireland.
Cost: Free
Registration: Architects must complete the online registration form below.
Platform: Gotomeeting
Number of places: 50
Seminar duration: 45mins with 15mins Q&A
Presenter: Diarmuid Keaney MAACI, MIOA.
Event Information
A CPD presentation hosted by www.acoustics.ie focused on topics related to acoustics for architects including;
- Irish Building Regulations: TGD-E,2014
- School Acoustics TGD-021-5
- Room Acoustics -reverberation, absorption, sound insulation, ventilation, HVAC, inward noise.
To register for this free event, please send your full name and architectural practice details to office @ acoustics.ie

Noise Ireland